
The statements and products referenced in this blog have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) or any other governmental agency. The products mentioned are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or condition. The information in this blog is intended for information purposes only. If you have any diagnosed medical condition we recommend you consult your qualified health care provider with specific questions before using any new dietary supplement.

30 August, 2012

Get Your 20,000 ORAC Points per Day

If you are not getting at least 20,000 ORAC points per day you will be sick.  What is an ORAC score?

Oxygen radical absorbance capacity

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) is a method of measuring antioxidant capacities in biological samples in vitro.

A wide variety of foods has been tested using this method, with certain spices, berries and legumes rated highly in extensive tables once published by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), but these were withdrawn in 2012 as biologically invalid,[3] as no physiological proof in vivo exists that the free-radical theory is valid. Consequently, the ORAC method, derived only in in vitro experiments, cannot be interpreted as relevant to human diets or biology.

Ok, this is what is meant by misinformation.  In this example the USDA tries to neutralize the understanding that free radicals cause cell damage by claiming that there is no evidence that free radicals exist in vivo .  This could lead one to conclude that Free Radical damage to cells is invalid. 

Below are just a few of the thousands of peer reviewed studies that seem to contradict the USDA position on the "Free Radical Theory".  You can look these articles up at and
  • Mitochondria as sources and targets of damage in cellular aging.

  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects of pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan L.) extracts on hydrogen peroxide- and lipopolysaccharide-treated RAW264.7 macrophages.

  • Mechanisms for countering oxidative stress and damage in retinal pigment 

 Basically, free radicals exist in our environment.  If not neutralized by anti-oxidants they will silently do damage to our cells, organs, and blood vessels leading to "mysterious" diseases which appear to come from no where and for which "there is no known cure".

False.  Oxidative Stress is a well known, well documented phenomena.  The way to protect yourself from Oxidative Stress is to take in 20,000 or more ORAC points per day.  As your antioxidants are used up you must replace them.  Failing to do so will result in degenerative disease.

The question is why would the USDA attempt to obscure this important clue to disease and disease prevention?

27 August, 2012

Its All In Your Head

When I first began my recovery to stroke I began from scratch.  I had no idea what to do or what needed to be done.  In many cases when a person has a stroke the medical establishment waits for them to die.  In fact a dear family friend had a stroke around the time that I had my own.  My step father had a stroke and lived in the hospital for months.   Both these people eventually died and that was an acceptable outcome to the medical establishment given their ages (70's and 80's).  Not an acceptable outcome to me.

The mother of a friend in Russia had a stroke in early 2012.  The doctor explained to my friend that "your mother is going to die".  The woman was in her 70's.    She eventually died.  My uncle had a stroke while driving and ended up having a head on collision in which there were fatalities.  He became a quadraplegic and eventually died.

The prognosis for recovery from stroke did not look good.  Why had so many people subcumbed to what appeared to be a mysterious disease?  Would this happen to me?  How long before I had another stroke and see the end of my life?  Worse than that how would my family survive if something happened to me?

I could see the buzzards flying around my kids and house in anticipation that I too would eventually not last and my wife and kids would be vulnerable without me to guide and protect them.

I had to find a way to reverse my condition and recover despite the evidence that I might be fighting a no win situation.  It was hard to accept the idea that there was nothing I could do.  All I had after a stint in the Spanish hospital was a handful of pills and a pat on the back for good luck.

Speaking of pills the doctor prescribed a statin, aspirin, a diuretic, and three kinds of blood pressure pills consisting of a beta blocker, an ace inhibitor and a calcium channel blocker.  These were heart medications but had nothing to do with my brain.  In other words the doctor saw himself as lowering my blood pressure and thinning my blood.  For good measure he added statin to be sure that my cholesterol stayed within toleration.  At the same time he told my wife and I that he did not believe in vitamins and minerals.  That they were a waste of money since they came out in the urine.

It soon became clear that my doctor had not the foggiest idea why I had had a stroke and what he could do about it.  Treatment was not even on the radar screen.  As it turns out the ultimate cause of a stroke is oxidative damage to the arteries.  The doctor did not understand the role that cholesterol plays in protecting the body from oxidative damage.  Otherwise, why would he prescribe a medicine that reduced cholesterol such as statin.

The correct response to my condition would have been to reverse nutritional deficiencies and make sure that I was receiving a score of 20,000 ORAC per day to handle the free radicals that I was dealing with.  He also could have recommended that my diet be changed to eliminate problem foods such as gluten, complex carbohydrates, sugar, etc and be sure to eat cholesterol containing meats, eggs, butter and healthy fats.

The doctor misdiagnosed an underlying pre-diabetic condition because my sugar count appeared to be normal.  (Please note that if Type II, insulin resistance Diabetes is a possibility then one should test for insulin in the blood rather than only sugar). He failed to test for homocysteine a marker for cardiovascular diseases and he did not test to identify any nutritional deficiencies.

We ordered the lab tests ourselves and learned that in fact my homocysteine level was dangerously elevated.  Elevated homocysteine is easily corrected with Folate, Vitamin B6 and B12, Niacin.  We assumed correctly based on empirical evidence (most of the population is deficient in certain nutrients) that I was deficient in Omega 3, Omega 6, Essential Fatty Acids, Vitamin A, B, D, C, E, all 8 forms, K, Coenzyme Q10, various minerals such as Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc, Calcium, Selenium+, Chromium, Sulfur and various Amino Acids like Lysine, Choline, L. Arginine, Glycine and Glutamine.  With the deficiency of these nutrients in the food, eating the wrong foods, malabsorption and through sweating during exercise it is no wonder why I had a stroke.  Failure to replace these nutrients would most assuredly lead to another stroke or worse, death.

Blood pressure concerns could have been handled with Niacin, L. Argenine, Magnesium as a front line defense with other natural approaches available.  All of the medicines prescribed not only come with side effects but actually cause further damage to the vascular system, nervous system and sugar management system.

I also learned that brain function can be recovered and enhanced by taking Alpha Lipoic Acid and Phosphtidyl Choline / Serine.

But I digress.  I was faced with a poor prognosis and began to review videos about stroke.  I heard doctor after doctor explain how bad stroke was and how if you were lucky you might be able to have a somewhat normal life.  I would hear a doctor speaking in a monotone about the terrible outcomes of stroke and how the family had to help the invalid stroke victim eat and brush his teeth.  I learned that spastic movement by the limbs was a part of having a stroke and that in many cases the victim would lose his ability to walk, talk and think.

And then I discovered John Green and his Shak Therapy.

Shak Therapy is the use of hypnotic techniques to teach the mind to route nerve impulses around the neural blockage.  John's own father had had a stroke when he was a child and he dedicated himself to find a solution to help his father.  John himself is a delightful person who is a professional entertainer from Hull, England.

Shortly after my return home from the hospital I wanted to teach my son about stroke and let him know that his dad would no longer be able to play tennis or go on hikes.  We sat on the edge of my bed watching videos on the lap top from the serious doctors explaining the ins and outs of STROKE.  Then we stumbled upon John's videos and we could not stop laughing.  He was entertaining and had video after video of stroke victims who were now able to talk and walk like normal.  The funniest part was that John had used the Shak Technique without the persons even knowing it.

My wife came in from having been at the store and found my son and me just rolling with laughter.  She was a bit concerned to see me the stroke "victim" acting as if I were watching a comedy club routine with my son.  She asked in a very stern voice, "what is going on?".

It was at that very moment that I realized that stroke did not  have to be this dreadful verdict.  I realized that how you look at your condition has everything to do with your chances of recovery and that the guys in the white coats may not have a real handle on this.

Ever since then I have made it my business to understand how the body works and how to avoid and recover from serious health conditions.  And guess what?  I was right.  You can recover from anything, it is not that rare but you have to get past the misinformation and begin to be informed.

That was two years ago and I am happy to say that a full recovery is not only possible from any condition but likely with the right nutrition, staying away from the wrong foods and by avoiding dangerous medical practices and procedures.

A good place to start if you want to be healthy, lose weight or reverse disease is Beyond Tangy Tangerine from Youngevity.  It has 115 plant derived nutrients in a powder form that can be easily absorbed by the body.  Click Here for more information.

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26 August, 2012

Whey Protein - The Super Building Blocks of the Body

How Can One World Whey Help?
We recommend One World Whey protein powder.  It is the only non-heated, non denatured whey protein available.  Heat destroys protein.  Therefore, to be fully beneficial it must be cold processed.  Further, One World Whey protein comes from grass fed cows rather than cows raised on grain feeds which may be GMO. 

One of the first items to adjust when recovering from a degenerative illness such as stroke or diabetes or any other degenerative condition is you must up your protein intake.   The same is true if you want to lose weight or build muscle or if you participate in sports. This is best done by protein powders coming from whey or hemp seed in the event that you can not tolerate whey which is a milk product.  Meat may not be the best source of protein because of the wide spread use of drugs, hormones and antibiotics in industry.

Further, with a protein powder you are able to know exactly how much protein you are getting as the doses are measured.  A good rule of thumb is 1 gram of protein for every 10 pounds of body weight per day.  In other words if you weigh 180 pounds you will need about 18 grams of protein per day.

The benefits are many.  Not only does protein build a strong body but it helps with the subtle processes of the body such as detoxing, the immune system and the sugar regulating system.  One of the most beneficial uses of whey protein is that it reduces the cravings for sugar and sweets.  This can have huge benefits to people who are overly hungry or have food cravings.  

We are an affiliate of One World Whey and we would be happy to answer any questions you may have. Click Here for details.

Benefits of Whey Protein
One World Whey Protein Powder
  • Good energy levels
  • Better brain function and mood
  • Strengthens Your Immune System
  • Helps Promote Glutathione
  • Anti-aging effects
  • Younger looking skin
  • Elimination of excess body fat
  • Building of lean muscle
  • Feelings of youth and well being
  • Dramatic increases in athletic endurance and recovery from exercise
  • Elimination of radioactive fallout and chemtrails from body
  • Detoxification of heavy metals and toxins of all kinds
  • Elimination of inflammation in the intestines and elsewhere
  • Healthy bowel movements
Get One World Whey Here

23 August, 2012

The Importance of Essential Fatty Acids (EFA's) and Good Food Sources



The following are the words of Stephen Heuer of Synergistic Nutrition  Call (888) 988-3325 and of, the maker of the THE best whey protein powder EVER, from grass-fed cows, ultra-fine, ultra-pure, unheated, untreated...I can't say enough about it.  At any rate, Stephen Heuer is a man I look up to for his vast knowledge in the field of health, nutrition, and natural healing, and I am reposting this from a newsletter that I recently received, as it contains a wealth of very valuable information from which we can all benefit.  I hope you will check out his site and all of the top-of-the-line health products he provides:

Certain fats are crucial for optimal health and metabolism.
Find out which ones and determine if you may be deficient.
Most people are unaware that saturated fats, including cholesterol, are essential to health and are produced by the body. There are some fats your body cannot make and must get from its food supply. These fats are referred to as 'essential' fatty acids (EFAs). Your body needs these types of fats to survive and function properly.
There are only two Essential Fatty Acids that the body requires from an outside food source: Omega-3 and Omega-6. These two are particularly responsible for controlling many cellular processes and are just as important to our health as vitamins or minerals. However, it is vital to have a balanced ratio of these fatty acids from the right sources.

 Ways Your Body Shows EFA Deficiencies 

EFA deficiencies are common and can often be detected by signs on the body itself.

  • Dry skin (feet/face/general)
  • Scaly or flaky skin (legs)
  • Cracking/peeling fingertips & skin on heels
  • Lackluster skin
  • Small bumps on back of upper arms
  • Patchy dullness &/or color variation of skin
  • Irregular quilted appearance of skin
  • Thick or cracked calluses
  • Dandruff or cradle cap
  • Dry, lackluster, brittle or unruly hair
  • Soft, splitting, dull, slow-growing fingernails
  • Dry eyes
  • Dry mouth/throat
  • Inadequate vaginal lubrication
  • Menstrual cramps
  • Premenstrual breast pain/tenderness
  • Excessive ear wax
  • Excessive thirst
  • Allergies (eczema/asthma/hay fever/hives)
  • Cravings for fats/fatty foods
  • Stiff or painful joints

EFA Deficiencies Create Detrimental Health Problems

The significance of these deficiencies goes far beyond the presence of these obvious deficiency symptoms and relates to a large variety of medical conditions, including:

  • High Cholesterol                          
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Heart Disease
  • Diabetes 
  • AD/HD
  • Eczema & Psoriasis
  • Reduced Immune Function
  • Epilepsy
  • Cognitive Decline
  • Asthma
  • Macular Degeneration
  • Glandular Atrophy (Leads to infertility and growth deficiencies)
  • Inflammatory/Auto-immune conditions (i.e. Rheumatoid Arthritis, Lupus)
  • Mental Health conditions (i.e. depression, Bipolar disorder, schizophrenia)
Whether you are trying to overcome a particular health issue or are simply trying to preserve your health, choosing a high-quality supplement with the optimal balance of fatty acids is vital.

How Essential Fatty Acids Protect Your Body & Well-Being

Improve Brain Function: (Mood, intelligence, behavior and vision) The brain is made up of over 60% fat. EFAs play an important role in the nervous system. Omega 3 from plant seed oils can be converted in the body to DHA (Docosahexaenoic acid). DHA is supposed to comprise over 50% of the fat content of the brain and is invovled in intelligence, memory and mood. Depression and other brain diseases have been associated with decreased levels of omega-3.
Strengthen Immune System: EFAs make hormone-like eicosanoids that regulate immune and inflammatory responses. Omega-3s have anti-inflammatory effects and can slow damage caused by autoimmune disorders. EFAs also have anti-fungal and anti-microbial properties, helping to protect against infections.
Lower Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease: EFAs lower high blood pressure levels, triglycerides, fibrinogen, clot formation tendency and inflammation.
Prevent Cancer: Dr. Otto Warberg discovered in the 1920s and 1930s that normal cells become tumor cells when oxygen levels are reduced by 35% or more. Warberg proved that all cancer, no matter the label given, is one of the following: an oxygen deficiency at the cellular level; or the cell has lost the ability to absorb oxygen; or the mechanisms within the cell to utilize oxygen have been damaged. So remember this, the primary cause of all cancer is an oxygen deficit.
The secondary causes of cancer can be the cells' inability to absorb oxygen, or that the mechanisms of oxygen utilization are damaged. Guess what determines the cells ability to absorb oxygen? Essential fatty acids. That’s right. If the cell wall does not have plant-derived Omega 3 and Omega 6, then it can no longer absorb oxygen. Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids are the window through which oxygen can enter the cell. When you eat a diet devoid of, or lacking in Omega 3 and 6 fatty acids, or if you crowd out the body’s ability to benefit from Omega 3 and 6 because of the consumption of heated or chemically extracted vegetable oils, or consume trans fats, margarine, or hydrogenated oils, then you can crowd out the body’s ability to utilize the small amount of good Omega 3 and 6 and end up with a deficiency at the cellular level.
Johanna Budwig, a famous doctor in Hungary, discovered Omega 3 rich flax oil combined with cottage cheese could give the body the ability to restore the cells' walls ability to absorb oxygen. In the 1950s, Budwig gave nothing but these two foods to people with cancer and had a 90% success rate and remission from cancer. Nowadays, I do not advocate people eat heat-sterilized cottage cheese. Instead, I recommend our One World Whey Protein powder, along with Omega 3 and 6 rich cold-processed vegetable oil to insure that your body can absorb oxygen at the cellular level.
Increase Energy, Performance and Stamina: EFAs help build muscle, prevent muscle break down and speed recovery from exercise.
Regulate Body Weight: EFAs help boost mood and energy levels and suppress appetite, which aids in the loss of excess body fat. Recent studies have shown EFAs have the ability to block the genes that produce fat in the body. They also increase thermogenesis.
Regulate Organs & Glands: EFAs play a huge role in liver and kidney regulation and in the functioning of the adrenal and thyroid glands. The production of male and female hormones also depends on EFAs.
 Support Healthy Child Development: For proper nervous system development, a growing fetus needs optimum levels of EFAs. Children can suffer from serious mental and physical health problems when mothers do not get enough EFAs during pregnancy.
Boost Bone Strength: EFAs aid in the transport of minerals that keep bones and teeth strong, helping to prevent osteoporosis.
Protect DNA & other Cells: EFAs regulate gene expression and omega-3s have been shown to inhibit tumor growth. 
Produce Beautiful Skin, Hair, & Nails: Some of the first signs of EFA deficiency are dry, flaky skin, dull hair, and brittle nails. Omega-3s can help skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis and acne.

Green Tea seed oil: Green tea seed oil is similar to olive oil in its nutritional makeup. It’s rich in antioxidants and has remarkable antiseptic, fungicide, bactericide and lipid-lowering effects. Green tea seed oil does not contain caffeine.
Pomegranate seed oil: Pomegranate seed oil is an omega-5 conjugated fatty acid that is rich in punicic acid. It has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial effects and contains tocopherols, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol and campesterol.
Black cumin seed oil: Black cumin seed oil's immune-boosting antioxidant levels are among the very highest of all plant oils.
Black raspberry seed oil:  Another rich source of antioxidants, black raspberry seed oil contains four different types of Vitamin E (alpha and gamma tocopherol, beta and gamma tocotrienol).
Blueberry seed oil: Blueberry seed oil has powerful free-radical-scavenging properties.
Cranberry seed oil: Cranberry seed oil provides excellent skin and cell protection, given its extremely high gamma tocopherol content, which has the highest antioxidant capacity of all of the tocopherols.
Hemp seed oil: This is quite possibly nature's most perfectly balanced oil---Hemp seed oil is rich in Omega 3 & 6 essential fatty acids (EFAs) in an ideal 1:3 ratio. Hemp seed oil also contains a rare combination of gamma linolenic acid (GLA), oleic acid and stearidonic acids. Additionally, hemp seed oil contains antioxidants like Vitamin E, carotene and alkaline-forming chlorophyll.
Flax seed oil: More than half the fat in flax seeds is alphalinoleni fatty acid (ALA), which is the essential Omega-3 fatty acid. 
Pumpkin seed oil: Pumpkin seed oil provides Omega-6 and Omega-9 EFAs, along with powerful immune-modulating plant sterols. It aids in cholesterol regulation, prostate maintenance, bladder control, hormone balance and reproductive health.
Coconut oil:  Coconut oil is a rich source of healthy medium-chain triglycerides or MCTs. It helps strengthen the immune system, protect against infections and degenerative conditions and provides a quick source of energy.

So Many Delicious Ways to Get Your EFAs!

Take one or more tablespoons of Vega Antioxidant EFA Oil Blend daily with meals for optimal benefits. Rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, this oil can be added into smoothies or other drinks, drizzled on salad as a nutritious dressing, or taken straight from a spoon – it has a light, nutty delicious flavor. We also recommend using it in dips, soups or adding it to your favorite vegetable, rice or pasta dishes for an easy and delicious way to up your EFA intake.
Vega Antioxidant EFA Oil Blend can be used with all cold, warm and hot foods, but should not be used for baking, frying or other high-temperature cooking. 

Get your One World Whey HERE
YOUNGEVITY also sells a variety of good-quality EFA products such as the Ultimate EFA Plus made with organically grown borage and flaxseed oil with added Vitamin E (from a natural source).  
Get Your Youngevity Products Here
Healthy Start Pack


15 August, 2012

Weight Loss the Natural Way - ASAP

Learn to Burn Fat Not Sugar - ASAP from Youngevity

The only reason that you are overweight is because you eat too many calories.  It has nothing to do with race, nothing to do with gender, nothing to do with being lazy, nothing to do with exercise.  If you are nutritionally starved your body will force you to eat.  The body knows that you are starving.  But if you are eating the wrong foods no matter how much you eat you will soon be hungry.  If you are eating correctly your body will be satisfied and your desire to eat will subside.

You are not a steam engine.  The idea that all you have to do to lose weight is stop eating calories is true.  However, you must supplement with minerals and vitamins to let the body know that you have supplied all that it needs.  This idea comes from the age when steam and coal were the latest in technology.  That coal represented a certain heat potential.  A Calorie   is a measurement of heat.  By eating say 10 candy bars you may get a lot of heat or energy but it will not supply all the nutrition you need and you will soon "crash".  And then you will eat another sugary food to try to boost your energy.  While consuming sugar you are actually starving the body.

We now know that the mechanism for weight gain or loss is a lot more subtle than what is being  advertised on TV.  Without a true understanding of this complex mechanism permanent weight loss is an unachievable dream and will most likely lead to illness.

"Stop the insanity".  Do you remember that?  People sweating themselves to death trying to look healthy.  If it really worked why are there more fat people today than ever before?  Lack of nutrition in the food the people are eating.

But you can lose weight easily once you understand how the body works.  It is not difficult.  In fact it is fun.  You have to become a fat burner not a sugar burner.  We have been taught that to lose weight we have to burn sugar based calories.  This may be true for an athlete.  But the truth is we regular non competing people have to train our bodies to burn fat.

Sugar burns in the body like an explosion.  When sugar burns it oxidizes.  This oxidation leads to premature aging, diabetes, cancer and a host of other diseases.  Oxidation actually leads to the acidification of the body and to obesity.  There are other factors involved but you can easily see that burning sugar is not the right approach.  This mechanism becomes even more complicated if you eat sugary fruits such as apples and peaches.  Fructose, the kind of sugar found in fruits are broken down differently by the body  and actually puts more stress on the liver.  Fruits are in fact carbohydrates too.  But a sugary fruits such as is found in orange juice can present problems because of the fructose..

Sugar itself is a carbohydrate.  So is a piece of wood or a carrot.  The difference is that sugar burns in the body rapidly and in vegetables it burns slowly.  When you exercise vigorously you are burning sugar.  The body heats up because calories are being burned rapidly.  You are also creating free radicals. The free radicals do all sorts of damage to your body, your cells and your DNA.  This is why athletes do not live too long.

To lose weight naturally you must burn fat.  The body stores sugar as fat in case of a food emergency.  You could say that fat is in response to a health emergency.  Depending on what you eat the body determines how much sugar to store.  One strategy and the strategy we use is to burn fat.  This can be achieved by walking or other anaerobic exercising instead of aerobic exercising.  The problem with this approach is time.  It takes time to lose weight anaerobically.  And of course you must be eating correctly otherwise the body will drive you to eat more calories.  You need Essential Fatty Acids, high quality protein, vitamins and minerals, enzymes, amino acids and more to be healthy.

The Youngevity team has developed another plant based product that uses amino acids to send the body towards burning fat.  The product is called ASAP.  By using ASAP from Youngevity as well as the other Youngevity products you get all 90 necessary nutrients plus a lot more.  Through using the recommended doses you can achieve amazing results safely in less time.  Literally a few drops per day is enough to encourage the body to burn fat first for energy.  In addition, by reducing or eliminating fast burning carbohydrates such as pasta, breads, ketchup, grains, beer, rice, potatoes, cereals, fruit juices and sugar including fructose you can quickly reduce the loads on the sugar management systems and other systems in the body that contribute to weight gain and other degenerative diseases

Let us take a more detailed look at this complex weight gain system. A little understanding about how the body evolved may be helpful.  Over thousands of years human beings lived on the Savannahs of Africa.   They were hunter gatherers and foragers.  They ate roots, berries and small plants.  Occasionally they would eat high value meats and even sugars.  At that time most of our carbohydrates came from plants.

Over the years we began to associate protein with meat and carbohydrates with sugar.  At that time it is estimated that 60% of our protein came from plants and that most of our carbohydrates came from plants.  Today we call this the Paleolithic Diet.

As recently as 100 years ago the average American diet consisted of 1 pound of sugar per year.  Today the average American consumes 4 pounds of sugar per year not including high fructose corn syrup and other non-natural sources of sugar.  Many people consume a lot more.

Our brain and taste buds have been so corrupted to crave sugar that we will eat any substance that tastes sweet even if actually made from recombinant bacteria waste as in Aspartame.  Never use a sugar substitute unless absolutely necessary.  It is better to teach yourself to consume bitter tasting items rather than sugary tasting items.  Use protein to wean yourself away from sugar.

The brain is hard wired to lead us towards carbohydrates and protein.  It drives us to eat minerals in the form of salts, proteins in the form of plants and  meats and carbohydrates in the form of sugars.  It is an exquisitely designed system.  But it can be tricked.

Food manufacturers have spent Billions of dollars to learn how to turn off the satiety switch in the brain so that the person will continue eating far beyond his actual hunger or needs.  One possible strategy for weight loss is to turn this satiety switch back on.  This can be achieved by consuming necessary minerals and vitamins in their natural plant derived form.  It is said, that we are not sick, we are starving (for vitamins and minerals).

The second approach is to encourage the body to convert stored fat into useable fuel.    Sugar is stored in the body as fat.  When you see a person with excessive fat you are looking at a body that thinks it is facing famine and needs to store up fat for times when food is scarce.  The storage of food as fat is an emergency response to a shortage of vital nutrients, acidity / toxicity and chemicals designed to make a person overeat by turning off the satiety switch.

The third and final issue is protein.  Over the years the body has learned to associate carbohydrates with protein.  Therefore, key to reducing carbohydrates is to not use will power but to increase the uptake of high quality protein.  We suggest whey protein in powder form from grass fed cows.  A person should be taking 1 gram of protein for every 10 pounds of body weight.  So if  you weigh 180 pounds you should be eating 18 grams of protein per day.  By the way, meat is not the best form of protein given the hormones and antibiotics fed to the cattle.

You must recognize that sugar is a carbohydrate.  You must also recognize the vegetables are carbohydrates.  What is the difference?  One is slow burning.  The other is fast burning.  Can you guess which is fast burning?  Can you guess which one is insulin spiking?  Which one explodes in the body?  Which one is loved by cancer cells?  Which one contributes to insulin resistance or Type 2 Diabetes?

To effectively reduce fast burning carbohydrates you must avoid bread, wheat, barley, rye, oats, pasta, flour, rice, sugar, corn, grains, potatoes, beer, alcohol, wine, manufactured foods, soda pop and starch.  'Fructose presents its own unique problems to the body because of how it is broken down in the body.

There is a lot more involved in weight gain and weight loss.  One thing for sure is that Western populations are obese and suffering from a lack of understanding about how the body functions.  ASAP presents a naturally formulated method to cause the body to lose weight, build muscle and rapidly adjust the body to metabolize fat first leaving you with a sculpted and muscular body.  When taken with other plant derived vitamins and minerals also available from Youngevity ASAP provides startling results the way the body was designed in the first place.  Rapid, Permanent and Safe.

Get your Youngevity Products Here 

Healthy Start Pack

09 August, 2012

You Are More Than Just a Bag of Bones

Throughout time there  have been divergent views about what is a Human Being?  Why are we different than the other animals in the Animal Kingdom?  Do we have a soul?  Are humans more valuable than any other species on earth?

If  you happen to be Human and recovering from a serious condition and wanting to know why you had that condition in the first place?  How it could have been prevented?  What were the circumstances that allowed this life threatening condition to come about?

I can not address all of these issues here.  But there are a few basic points I can touch upon.

You are a lot more than just a bag of bones.  Many so called scientific minds and social engineers see human beings as nothing more than a collection of atoms and molecules.  They believe that all matter in the Universe are made of the same materials and the human being happens to be a collection of those materials assembled in a different way such that the human is formed.  They see no difference between a piece of wood and a baby.  They do not recognize a soul.  They do not recognize free will.  They do not recognize individuality.

As a result their solution to health problems is nothing more than putting sealant or shellac on a piece of wood.  If the wood is rough they sand it.  If the wood is scratched they fill it.  If the wood is old they burn it.  Scientific controllers do not believe in a divine being.  They believe in chaos in the Universe requiring control and manipulation of the universal material to bring about order.

At the other end of the spectrum is the idea that man is a divine creation.  That God made man in His image and that there is something special about man.  Not only should he multiply but he should preserve and protect life.

It is these two distinct differences that are represented by the corporate pharmaceutical approach to health and the natural approach to health.

In a lab or an office it is completely legitimate to talk about humans on the basis of "quality of life", "contribution to society", "cost versus benefit", etc.  But, when you are faced with cancer, diabetes, stroke, obesity, heart disease and more then you begin to realize that a man or woman or child is more than just a bag of bones and you demand to be treated appropriately.

The body is a divinely inspired creation of the Almighty.  It functions very well on its own unless it has been deliberately interfered with.  Not only do the parts fit, but they each serve a particular purpose.  This fact is true down to the molecules and atoms themselves.

The body is made up of cells.  The material between the cells is referred to as the "exocellular matrix" or ECO.  The ECO is made by the cells themselves.  The ECO is in reality  what we mean when referring to being sick or well.  If the cells are  healthy they will make healthy ECO.  If the cells are unhealthy they will make an unhealthy ECO.

There is a lot more going on within a cell than just dividing and dying.  Information is continuously being exchanged between cells chemically and electrically.  Food programs the cells as well as enhances the operation of the cells.  The cell membrane allows for the movement of oxygen, waste and food as well as information.  That membrane must be intact otherwise these processes will be interfered with and  illness will occur.

Another subprocess is mitachondria.  These small noes within the cells act as power packs for each individual cell.  Together they help the body to put out all the energy necessary for whatever activities you are engaged in.

If a doctor does not understand these principles he knows nothing about the practice of medicine.  A physician is not a mechanic.  His job is a lot more than tightening a few bolts and putting grease on a squeaky gear.  He must understand and accept the divine creation and see his role as working within that framework; not manipulate and Jerry rig solutions out of bailing wire that mimic health while setting the patient up for more illness down the road.  Life is not the Indy 500. It is a beautiful multi-dimensional expression of joy.

Yet many doctors today see themselves as nothing more than machinist or spark plug changers in white coats.  They often fail to recognize the beauty of the Human Body instead opting for a mechanical approximation.  As a result I personally have heard doctors say that they do not believe in vitamin and mineral supplementation.   One MD. I know, "Dr. G." from the U.K. told me that he gives flu shots to his patients while he and his family do not take them because they are not reliable and safe.

Recently, two amazing stories were told to me.  The first resulted in death.  A man who had been complaining of abdominal pain for four years.  Finally, on getting a second opinion it was discovered that he had Pancreatic Cancer.  The second, a nurse, at the risk of losing her career, reported that the hospital where she worked was engaging in unnecessary heart surgeries and that the practice had gone on for years.

There are thousands of similar stories where doctors have exchanged their duty as healthcare providers for more expedient purposes.  But let's just try to have an overview of what is the Human Body.

Let us start at the beginning.  Human Beings get their nutrition, the building blocks for life from the food they eat.  All foods come from plants.  This is true whether we eat the plants or we eat the animals that eat the plants.  Therefore, the 90 or so nutrients we need to be healthy must be in the plant material in the first place in their natural form.

Plants do not make or manufacture food.  In fact, food can not be manufactured.  Plants have the ability to absorb nutrients in the form of minerals from the earth.  Humans can not absorb minerals from rocks for instance.  We need plants to absorb them and then we eat the plants.

To grow and be healthy plants need Nitrogen, Phosphate and Potassium (NPK).  We use NPK as fertilizer.  The problem is that once the other 90 or so nutrients have been depleted from tne soil it is too costly to put them back into the soil.  Therefore, when we eat today's commercially grown plants they have no nutrition or very little.  We do not get the nutrition we need.

In order to get the nutrition we need we must supplement.  We must supplement not only with the chemical substances that represent the other 90 or so vitamins and minerals, but they must be in a form that we can readily absorb.

There are a few companies out there that specialize in vitamins and minerals in the proper form.  Youngevity is one of them.  Purium is another.

If you do not get the 90 essential vitamins and minerals you will become deficient.  This is exasperated if you are an athlete or someone who sweats a lot.  As Dr. Wallach says, "Exercise without supplementation is suicide."  Disease and illness will befall you.  You obviously need more than vitamins and minerals to live such as Proteins, Probiotics, Enzymes, Amino Acids and Essential Fatty Acids.

Here are certain behaviors that make the health issue worse.  I would include in this group of poor health choices:
  1. Eating Manufactured Foods
  2. Eating Additives
  3. Using Artificial Sweeteners such as Aspertame
  4. Drinking Alcohol
  5. Smoking
  6. Taking Recreational Drugs
  7. Taking Pharmaceuticals
  8. Pollution In the Air and Water
  9. Fluoridated Water
  10. Chlorinated Water
  11. Chloromine In the Water
  12. Plasticizers
  13. High Fructose Corn Syrup or Corn Sugar
  14. Vaccines
  15. Radiation Exposure
  16. Fried Foods
  17. Cooking Oils (such as corn oil, rapeseed oil, canola oil, sunflower seed oil, etc.)
  18. GMO Foods
  19. Sugar of Any kind Especially Fructose
  20. Pesticides
  21. Irradiated Foods
  22. Processed Foods
  23. The Use of Recycled Water
  24. Aerial Spraying of Chemicals
  25. Exposure to Microwaves such as Wifi, Cell Phones, Smart Meters
  26. Mercury Vapor Light Fixtures
  27. Mercury Amalgam Fillings In the Teeth
  28. Grain Consumption
  29. White Rice Consumption
  30. White Potato Consumption
  31. Eating Breads, Pastas, Corn (fast burning carbohydrates)
  32. Products Containing Gluten
 These are just a few of the behaviors that negatively effect our health.  There are more.

We humans are more than bags of bones.  We are finely tuned machines that are self replicating, self repairing instruments of God.  He has given us all the things we need to be healthy.  Unfortunately, we have allowed some to profit by making us ill and then profiting by supposedly fixing us.

Opposing this medical model are those such as Dr. Joel Wallach and Pharmacist Ben Fuchs who present a more natural view.  Rather than surgeries, medicines and procedures they recommend natural solutions that use the body's own built in mechanisms as they were meant to be.  Not only are these  mechanisms more efficient than standard medical approaches  but they are cheaper and less dangerous.

It is estimated that there are 3 Million injuries per year in America some of them resulting in death, cause by doctors.  If  you would rather not be reliant on the traditional medical model or would rather not participate in mandatory health care programs one possible strategy is to avoid being sick in the first place.  This can best be done by supplementation as recommended here.  Otherwise, you will be treated as a bag of bones for profit.

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Healthy Start Pack

08 August, 2012

U.S. Ranked Last For Healthcare

(Reuters) - Americans spend twice as much as residents of other developed countries on healthcare, but get lower quality, less efficiency and have the least equitable system, according to a report released on Wednesday.

The United States ranked last when compared to six other countries -- Britain, Canada, Germany, Netherlands, Australia and New Zealand, the Commonwealth Fund report found.
"As an American it just bothers me that with all of our know-how, all of our wealth, that we are not assuring that people who need healthcare can get it," Commonwealth Fund president Karen Davis told reporters in a telephone briefing.

Previous reports by the nonprofit fund, which conducts research into healthcare performance and promotes changes in the U.S. system, have been heavily used by policymakers and politicians pressing for healthcare reform.

Davis said she hoped health reform legislation passed in March would lead to improvements.

The current report uses data from nationally representative patient and physician surveys in seven countries in 2007, 2008, and 2009. It is available here
In 2007, health spending was $7,290 per person in the United States, more than double that of any other country in the survey.

Australians spent $3,357, Canadians $3,895, Germans $3,588, the Netherlands $3,837 and Britons spent $2,992 per capita on health in 2007. New Zealand spent the least at $2,454.
This is a big rise from the Fund's last similar survey, in 2007, which found Americans spent $6,697 per capita on healthcare in 2005, or 16 percent of gross domestic product.
"We rank last on safety and do poorly on several dimensions of quality," Schoen told reporters. "We do particularly poorly on going without care because of cost. And we also do surprisingly poorly on access to primary care and after-hours care."

The report looks at five measures of healthcare -- quality, efficiency, access to care, equity and the ability to lead long, healthy, productive lives.
Britain, whose nationalized healthcare system was widely derided by opponents of U.S. healthcare reform, ranks first in quality while the Netherlands ranked first overall on all scores, the Commonwealth team found.

U.S. patients with chronic conditions were the most likely to say they gotten the wrong drug or had to wait to learn of abnormal test results.

"The findings demonstrate the need to quickly implement provisions in the new health reform law," the report reads.

Critics of reports that show Europeans or Australians are healthier than Americans point to the U.S. lifestyle as a bigger factor than healthcare. Americans have higher rates of obesity than other developed countries, for instance.

"On the other hand, the other countries have higher rates of smoking," Davis countered. And Germany, for instance, has a much older population more prone to chronic disease.
Every other system covers all its citizens, the report noted and said the U.S. system, which leaves 46 million Americans or 15 percent of the population without health insurance, is the most unfair.

"The lower the performance score for equity, the lower the performance on other measures. This suggests that, when a country fails to meet the needs of the most vulnerable, it also fails to meet the needs of the average citizen," the report reads.

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Healthy Start Pack

07 August, 2012

Medical Fraud?

(NaturalNews) Ever since chemotherapy was introduced into the practice of western medicine, doctors and oncologists have been trying to answer this nagging question: Why does chemotherapy seem to work at first, but then cancer tumors cells grow back even more aggressively while the body becomes resistant to chemotherapy?

It turns out that chemotherapy damages healthy cells, causing them to secrete a protein that accelerates the growth of cancer tumors. (

This protein, dubbed "WNT16B," is taken up by nearby cancer cells, causing them to "grow, invade, and importantly, resist subsequent therapy," said Peter Nelson of the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle. He's the co-author of the study that documented this phenomenon, published in Nature Medicine.

This protein, it turns out, explains why cancer tumors grow more aggressively following chemotherapy treatments. In essence, chemotherapy turns healthy cells into WNT16B factories which churn out this "activator" chemical that accelerates cancer tumor growth.

The findings of the study were confirmed with prostate cancer, breast cancer and ovarian cancer tumors. This discovery that chemotherapy backfires by accelerating cancer tumor growth is being characterized as "completely unexpected" by scientists.

The chemotherapy fraud exposed

As NaturalNews has explained over the last decade, chemotherapy is medical fraud. Rather than boosting the immune response of patients, it harms the immune system, causing tumors to grow back. This latest researching further confirms what we've known for years in the holistic health community: That chemotherapy is, flatly stated, poison. It's not "treatment," it's not medicine, and it's not prevention or a cure. It's poison with virtually no medicinal value except in perhaps one to two percent of cancer cases.

The No. 1 side effect of chemotherapy is, by the way, cancer. Cancer centers should technically be renamed "poison centers" because they are in the business of poisoning patients with a toxic cocktail of chemicals that modern science reveals to be a cancer tumor growth accelerant!

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Healthy Start Pack

06 August, 2012


Glutamine is a tripeptide.  Glutamine consist of three kinds of amino acids:  Glycine, NAC and Glutamine.  These amino acids are used in the production of Glutathione.  The help to detox the body, protects the body from damage such as from radiation and alcohol damage and more.  This is especially important when converting the toxic material known as homocysteine to cysteine.  If you are taking any prescription medicines you may wish to up your NAC for instance to help detox the body.

Glutamine is necessary to create Glutathione.  Glutothione helps the to body to build and repair itself.  If your Glutathione is low you will not be able to heal as well.  Although the body can make Glutathione  you can increase you Glutathione by taking supplements and eating the right foods that contain Glutamine.

One of the best sources of Glutamine is whey protein.  You can also get Glutamine from vegetables like cabbage and spinach.  If  you do supplement with Glutathione you should take 2.5 to 5 grams per day in a smoothie or water.  If you are  having  surgery or if you are an athletic person you will want to increase your Glutamine intake.

Get your Youngevity Here 

Healthy Start Pack

Join the "SHAKE OUT Challenge" -The Natural Way To Lose Weight Fast

Burn Fat Not Sugar.  Use ASAP

The  Shake Out Challenge is an international amateur fat burning competition.  The competition features amateurs from around the world who are on a mission to lose weight by burning fat not sugar.  Teams will compete against each other as they strive to reach their ideal weights by burning fat and not burning sugar.

To accomplish this we will provide them with ASAP a plant derived formulation that retrains the body to burn fat.  The teams will participate in dance competitions at the same time.    Each week we will follow a group of dancers as they attempt to make their dreams come true.  That dream is to reduce to the weight they were meant to be while doing something they love to do.  The best part is that the contestants will use ASAP, Youngevity's plant derived formula for rapid and permanent weight loss.

The world will witness your triumph over what may seem like incredible odds by simply adjusting the body's fat burning regulator naturally.  Your friends and family will be amazed to see how the fat melts away leaving a lean musculature.  The best part is that you will be healthy and vibrant.   All this without dangerous fasting and mineral depleting exercising.

ASAP is 100% effective.  That means that if taken properly you will become a fat burner not a sugar burner. The idea that all you have to do is starve yourself and massively exercise to lose weight is a myth.  We are going to break that myth once and for all.  Now you can participate in the Shake Out Challenge and show the world that underneath that fat is the person you were meant to be and that you reject the idea that weight loss has to be difficult, time consuming and painful.

The entire event will be video taped and distributed worldwide.  The viewing audience will determine the winning team.  Gifts and Awards will be announced at a later date.

The purpose of the event is to bring awareness to the fact that true health is natural.  Normal weight loss is natural, fun and easy.  It is not believing in mythical practices and old fashion ideas of   health.

Get you Youngevity Products Here
We look forward to being a part of your success.  Join the  Shake Out Challenge.

Why Are Black Americans So Sick?

Why are black American more likely to suffer from High Blood Pressure, Vascular Disease, Diabetes, Heart Problems, etc. than the general population?  Does the color of their skin have anything to do with it?  Is it genetics?  What could it be?

Many black Americans have their roots in the "Stroke Belt".  That's right.  There is a region of the United States known as the Stroke Belt.  This is in the South Eastern United States.  My family also has its roots in the Stroke Belt.  And a brief family history will bear out some valuable information.

The answer is not move to another part of the country.  That would be to miss the point of this damning statistic.  Maybe it is the behavior of the people from the Stroke Belt that is the problem?  People from the South Eastern United States eat a lot of fried foods using cooking oils.  We eat a lot of unhealthy fats.  We drink a lot of sugary drinks and we eat a lot of fast burning carbohydrates.

As a result we are often overweight, diabetic, suffer all sorts of cardiac problems you know the story.  Is the problem racial or genetic?  Dr. Wallach says this problem has nothing to do with genes.  For example Scotland has one of the highest rates of diabetes, stroke and hypertension in the world.  They are no where near the Stroke Belt and the last time I checked they had no recent genetic links to black Americans.

Upon closer examination we see that the Scottish diet is similar to the black American diet in terms of fried foods, cooking oils, fast burning carbohydrates and sugar intake as well as low plant derived minerals such as flax seed oil.  The result is basically the same.  Diabetes, heart attacks, brain attacks, obesity, hypertension and Cancer.

Obesity or fatness is another problem faced by Western People.  Let me give you a few hints.  You can not lose weight by eating a low fat diet.  In fact you are at greater risk of developing a disease if you do not get enough of the right fats. Youngevity and Dr. Wallach have developed an excellent product that turns deep fat into usable fuel.  As a result is not uncommon while using ASAP to lose 1 pound per day.

I recommending ASAP to all of my overweight clients along with the other products from Youngevity.

A brief analysis of death patterns in my own family reveals the harsh truth:

Family Member                             Cause of Death
Paternal Grand Mother..............Diabetes
Paternal Aunt.............................Overweight probably Diabetes
Paternal Uncles (4)....................Heart Illness
Step Brother...............................Heart Illness in his 30's (An in shape policeman)
Maternal Grand Mother............Colon Cancer
Maternal Grand Father.............Congestive Heart Failure
Maternal Uncle..........................Colon Cancer
Maternal Aunt............................Colon Cancer, Diabetes, Heart Problems
Maternal Uncle..........................Stroke, Cancer, Probably Diabetes
Maternal Great Grand Mother..Diabetes
Several Other Family Members have Diabetes.  I had a stroke.  Many in my family are overweight.  You can see a pattern.

As you can see my family consistently are dying from the same maladies year after year.  How will we stop this cycle?  The same can be said for native Americans.  Once a very healthy and vibrant people.  Now fat, obese, stroke and heart attack ridden.

During the Olympics of the 60's Mexico had a very strong long distance running team.  This was their tradition for thousands of years to run from village to village.  As the participated in the Olympics their performances were dismal.  It turned out that they had been eating a more American diet as the Olympics were approaching and they could not perform as well.  They did not realize that diet plays a massive roll in health and performance.

Here are some basic:

  1. Stop eating breads, pastas, cereals, grains, rice, potatoes, starches, corn and and other fast burning carbohydrates
  2. Stop eating sugar especially high fructose corn syrup or corn sugar
  3. Eat gluten free whether you are allergic or not
  4. Never eat fast food, manufactured foods or foods that have additives
  5. Stay away from fructose as found in large sweet fruits instead do eat fresh organic berries, grapes and bitter rather than sweet tasting fruits.
  6. Take all 90 minerals, supplements and plant derived minerals and vitamins available from Youngevity
  7. Or individually D, E, A, K, C, B Complex Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc, Amino Acids like Taurine, Arginine, NAC, Glutamine, CoQ10, Selenium, etc.
  8. If you have digestive symptoms such as bloating diahrea, constipation, cramping and gas eliminate the foods that cause it
  9. Eat 3 cups of green vegetables at every meal or 1 pound of vegetables for every 50 pounds of body weight
  10. Fresh organic sprouts are an excellent food source
  11. Take Essential Fatty Acids such as from Flax Seed Oil or Hemp Seed Oil (Omega 3 and Omega 6)
  12. Probiotics, fermented foods
  13. Eat high quality protein such as available from Whey Protein, preferably from grass fed cows.  Beef is fine except for the hormones and antibiotics used.  Try organic meats.
  14. Do not use cooking oils
  15. Use butter and coconut oil
As it turns out there is nothing whatsoever about genetics when it comes to health.  It is a matter of behavior and choice.  This information is critical and must be dissemenated to people who are concerned about their health or trying to recover from degenerative symptoms.

Please be sure to send your questions.  I will be happy to address your questions or refer you to an appropriate health care practitioner.

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